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upper case print

См. также в других словарях:

  • Upper case print — Печать заглавными буквами …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • upper case — Case Case (k[=a]s), n. [OF. casse, F. caisse (cf. It. cassa), fr. L. capsa chest, box, case, fr. capere to take, hold. See {Capacious}, and cf. 4th {Chase}, {Cash}, {Enchase}, 3d {Sash}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • upper-case — /ˈʌpə keɪs / (say upuh kays) adjective 1. (of a letter) capital (opposed to small). 2. Printing relating to or belonging in the upper case. See case2 (def. 10). –verb (t) (upper cased, upper casing) 3. to print or write with an upper case letter… …  

  • upper case — Print. See under case2 (def. 8). [1675 85] * * * …   Universalium

  • upper case — Synonyms and related words: abecedarian, allographic, alphabetic, ascender, back, bastard type, beard, belly, bevel, black letter, blackface, body, bold faced, boldface, cap, capital, case, chromotypic, chromotypographic, counter, descender, em,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Case — (k[=a]s), n. [OF. casse, F. caisse (cf. It. cassa), fr. L. capsa chest, box, case, fr. capere to take, hold. See {Capacious}, and cf. 4th {Chase}, {Cash}, {Enchase}, 3d {Sash}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case for holding …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • print — Synonyms and related words: Ditto copy, Photostat, Xerox, Xerox copy, abstract, abstraction, altarpiece, alveolation, alveolus, aquatint, ascender, autolithograph, back, backlash, backwash, bastard type, be a printmaker, beard, bed, belly, bevel …   Moby Thesaurus

  • case — case1 caseless, adj. caselessly, adv. /kays/, n. 1. an instance of the occurrence, existence, etc., of something: Sailing in such a storm was a case of poor judgment. 2. the actual state of things: That is not the case. 3. a question or problem… …   Universalium

  • case — Synonyms and related words: Bible truth, Smyth sewing, abessive, ablative, absolute fact, accepted fact, accusative, action, actual fact, adessive, admitted fact, afghan, alien, allative, ammunition box, anyhow, anyway, apoplectic, approximative …   Moby Thesaurus

  • lower case — Case Case (k[=a]s), n. [OF. casse, F. caisse (cf. It. cassa), fr. L. capsa chest, box, case, fr. capere to take, hold. See {Capacious}, and cf. 4th {Chase}, {Cash}, {Enchase}, 3d {Sash}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • up|per-case — upper case, 1. capital letters. Abbr: u.c. 2. Printing. a frame in which types for capital letters are kept for hand setting. up|per case «UHP uhr KAYS», adjective, verb, cased, cas|ing. Printing. –adj …   Useful english dictionary

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